Chiller unit for 40 m x 20 m rink or smaller
85-180 Ton Air Cooled Series R ™ Chiller Std SE145 ERTAD
R134a - 2 circuits - 2 Screw compressors

- Cooling capacity 263.35 kW
- 1.81 EER (kW/kW)Efficiency
- Refrigerant charge per circuit R134a 48 kg44 kg
- Sound pressure (A weighted at 10 m) 66 dBA
- Note: Sound pressure measured in accordance with ISO 3746
- Type -8 Deg C > LWT >= -12 Deg C
- Leaving temperature -11.00 C
- Entering temperature -7.00 C
- Flow rate 18.46 L/s
- Pressure drop 62.8 kPa
- Fouling Factor 0.044000 m2-deg C/kW
- Ethylene GlycolFluid type
- Antifreeze concentration in weight 40.00 %
- Fluid freezing point
| Condenser
- Ambient temperature 35.00 C
- Elevation 0.0 m
- Fin type Aluminium Fins
- Ambient Standard Ambient
- Fan motor Standard Condenser Fans
- Fan motor power 12.80 kW
- Number of fans 9
- Total condenser air flow 36.89 m3/s
- Power voltage 400V/50Hz/3Ph
- Unit power 145.30 kW
- Compressor power input 131.70 kW
| - Max Amps 437.00 A
- Unit starting current 471.00 A
General Data
- Length 5351 mm
- Width 2260 mm
- Height 2115 mm
| - Shipping weight 4060 kg
- Operating weight 4260 kg